A Girl’s Guide to Enjoying Life When It Doesn’t Seem to Be Going Your Way

Lauren Hunter
6 min readDec 6, 2023

I’m officially jobless. I don’t know what my next step is. I don’t want to work for someone else. So many people on Instagram seem to have the whole ‘starting your own business’ thing figured out. Why do I feel so stuck? How do I get unstuck? Why do I feel like this is so hard? How do I get over imposter syndrome? Why do I feel like I’m supposed to do something but I have no idea what that something is? Why can’t it just be clear? I will not work a 9–5. I love working on things that excite me. There’s no way I can work a job that’s not remote. I know I should be doing something but I have no idea what that is. I can figure this out. I am blessed with so many luxuries. A safe, comfortable home, a capable body, a loving boyfriend, an encouraging family, food in my refrigerator. Surely this is not all there is though? I know I wouldn’t feel like there’s something more if there wasn’t something more. How do I know what I need to do? What I want seems so far away. Inhale. Exhale. I can do this. I will do this. Small steps. Baby steps. Every day.

If you’re feeling something similar — like there’s something bigger you’re meant for but you have no idea what it is or how to get there, I hope this article helps you.

I. Your life is happening now.

Every day you create the life you want.

Every day. You. Create. The. Life. You. Want.

Now where we tend to get stuck is the wanting to figure it out.

We want to know how to get out of where we are.

We want to make more money to have more disposable income or even just to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

We want to be in a relationship with someone whom we love and respect and who loves and respects us back.

We want, we want, we want.

Here is an eye-opening fact: your life is progressing.

Your life is happening regardless of how you spend it. You cannot stop your motion forward.

How exciting! How frightening!

If I were to take a guess, the reason this can be so frightening is because, despite this motion forward, you don’t have a single clue as to what it’s about.

What are you moving forward to? What is your life progressing towards? How do you take control of the steering wheel?

Now, when you are disconnected from the power of who you are and don’t take ownership of your circumstances, then you will never be able to enjoy how your life progresses.

Let me emphasize that again. You are where you are because that’s where you mean to be.

II. Your Inner Being isn’t stressed, why are you?

Here’s another fact.

We are an extension of God. He lives within us as our inner being and our inner being has no urgency about you getting somewhere because It is already there.

Where it gets all tangled and where we begin to feel stressed is when we begin putting the lack in the equation. The thing that makes you anxious is the energetic tug of war introduced into the mix of who you are.

Your Inner Being knows who you are and what you’re meant to achieve and receive.

But when our physical self is aware of what we want and feels like we’re not getting it fast enough or even at all, we get all stressed.

How do we stop feeling this way?

It’s a universal human feeling to want something and to stress ourselves out about not having it.

This is how you’re going to stop stressing about what you don’t have but desperately want and feel an innate knowing that you’re meant to have.

III. You are meant to have what’s meant for you.

If you feel you are meant to have something, you are meant to have it.

This means that you do not need to worry. It will come to you.

Your Inner Being is already there. It already has it. What’s meant for you is not going to miss you.

Repeat that to yourself over and over and over again until it’s your first reaction to any sort of feeling of lack you have.

I mean — what?

You think you’re going to stress your way into getting whatever it is you want?

You think that being uptight and frantic and so hyper-aware that you don’t have what you want is going to make it come faster?

I promise you that’s not how it works.

However — you can seriously delay what’s meant for you by not setting yourself up to receive it.

IV. Align ~Vibrationally~

What is meant for you can only come to you when you are in vibrational alignment with it. Which means it has to feel comfortable with you.

If you want financial abundance, do you think money will feel safe with you if you spend it willy-nilly on things that are not necessary?

If you want a romantic partner, do you think your dream boyfriend/girlfriend will feel comfortable being with someone who’s giving their energy to other people who you are more convenient than right?

I know what you’re saying, “How do I become vibrationally aligned with what I want when I feel so far away from it?”

I will write something more extensive about this but to quickly address this:

  • Create a vision board. write out a manifesto. be so extremely detailed, not about exactly what it is, but how it feels to have it. what you want to do with it. how it affects your life.
  • Assess how you spend your life now and how the man or woman who has what you want spends their life
  • Pay attention to how you spend your mornings, how you talk to yourself, what you read, what you watch, what you listen to, who you share your energy with, how much time you spend doing things throughout the day, and how you spend your money.

Assess these areas of your life and I guarantee you will find that in one or more areas you are allowing yourself to be influenced by things that do you not serve you and your higher purpose.

Every moment is either spent doing something that brings you closer or further away from what’s meant for you. Which means we need to learn the importance of the power of now.

V. The Power of Now

Feel the perfection of the moment in which you stand. Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Relax your shoulders, straighten your posture, stretch your neck, widen your eyes, and smile.

It’s all happening right now. There’s only now and now and now and now and now.

But what’s happening in this now — the only thing that matters in this now is the relationship between the physical and the non-physical you.

Learn how to love yourself into the perfection of where you are now. You are exactly where you mean to be.

Taking ownership.

You are choosing your moments.

VI. The Importance of Play

I want to emphasize that consistent progress in this now is not tiring, exhausting, or stressful.

Question: Do you feel more alive and excited about life when you’re trudging forward and working hard and having intellectual conversations about how to do something? Or when you’re dancing, blasting music with the windows down, belly laughing with your friends so hard your cheeks hurt?

Humans are not meant to constantly do do do. It doesn’t make us feel good.

You know that without me telling you.

But the more you practice being aware of your nows you will be able to intuitively know when you are doing something that doesn’t serve you and and when you are doing something that does serve you.

It’s being conscious of the decisions you are making.

Collecting these moments of nows that launch you forward.

Work hard because you know that it’s required

Then you will be able to look back and see the foundation you have built for yourself.


Even if you know everything I just shared — it’s very very likely you will still feel frustrated at the thought of not having what you so desperately desire.

Know this.

Your Inner Being is safe. It has everything already.

It’s now your job to be able to receive it.

Prepare yourself accordingly. Ask yourself the hard questions that shine light on areas where you might be avoiding. Be very honest with yourself about where you do not align with what you desire. Take ownership that you are where you are because that’s where you mean to be. You are not in your situation because of anyone else.

Blaming other people for your emotions or situation only gives them power over you. You are in charge. You take responsibility. You are capable of what’s required.

Remind yourself of that every day.





Lauren Hunter

Founder of Quietly Becoming | A community of 1% women who are feminine, intelligent, loving, ambitious, elegant, & adventurous | Follow @quietly.becoming on IG